
  • Tue August 11 2009
  • Posted Aug 11, 2009
Cedar Rapids, IA Check out Cedar Rapids Bicycle Advisory Committee's August 2009 Newsletter called the BIKE LANE. READ IT. (pdf) The City of Cedar Rapids Bicycle Advisory Committee was established in October 2008. It is responsible for moving Cedar Rapids towards Bicycle Friendly Community status. Follow us on FACEBOOK
The League of American Bicyclists approved Part I of the [Cedar Rapids] Bicycle Friendly Community application on July 27, 2009. The Bicycle Advisory Committee will submit Part II of the application on August 7, 2009. After reviewing and scoring Part II applications, the League awards qualifying communities Bicycle Friendly Community status, with a designation of platinum, gold, silver, or bronze. Communities on the cusp of earning an award may be given an honorable mention award.
Upcoming events from the newsletter: Hawkeye Bicycle Association's annual Swine Trek event, open to the public, will be held on September 5, 2009 at Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area near Palo, IA. Routes of 25, 50 and 100 miles leave at 7:00 am from the enclosed pavilion and feature Center Point, Troy Mills, and Quasqueton. Registration begins at 6:30 am. The 12 mile nature trail ride begins at the Center Point Depot with registration at 9:00 am. City of Cedar Rapids Mayors Bike Ride on Labor Day The annual Mayors Bike Ride, sponsored by Linn County Trails Association and the City of Cedar Rapids, will be on Labor Day, Monday September 7, 2009. Registration is from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at the swimming pool parking lot at Ellis Park. The 8 mile fun ride is free and open to the public. It will start at 10:15 am and will go through downtown Cedar Rapids, around Cedar Lake, and back to Ellis Park. An optional 2.5 mile ride is available. Rick Paulos Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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