
  • Posted Jul 6, 2009

A Sioux City Bike Club with plenty to offer new, intermediate and experienced riders and even those who simply wish to promote cycling. Join us for a ride this summer!

Sioux City, Iowa Siouxland Cyclists, Inc. was established in 1982 as a non-profit organization to promote enjoyable and safe cycling. Its members include new, beginning and intermediate riders, strong racers and endurance cyclists, community activists, families, and many others who enjoy cycling as either recreation or transportation. Each year the club organizes many different types of bicycle rides. Beginning in April, cyclists of all levels meet each Thursday at 6:30 p. m. at the Siouxland Surgery Center at Dakota Dunes to ride one of several short rides. These rides are primarily social rides and beginning riders are especially welcome. If you are completely new, Tuesday short, flat, total beginner rides may start in June. On Sunday mornings the club meets at Albrecht Cycle Shop, 5th and Water Streets in downtown Sioux City, for longer rides. Generally the Sunday rides increase in length until the week prior to RAGBRAI ®. The rides are designed to provide training for those intending to go on RAGBRAI®. Follow the links below for the ride schedule. Here are some upcoming rides
  • Los Amigos (Friends) Ride 2:00 PM, July 11, 2009 A thirty mile, social ride from Elk Point to Spink for a break/regroup, and then return to Elk Point for dinner at Los Amigos Restaurant in Elk Point. Ride will begin at Heritage Park in Elk Point, South Dakota at 2:00 PM. To get to Heritage Park, take the Exit #18, I-29 exit at Elk Point, turn right on Main Street (I-29 Bus.) for approximately a half-mile, turn right on Harrison Street for approximately a half-mile. The route is west on the Burbank Road (SD 10) for five miles, north on 472th Ave. (UC 21) for four miles, east on Highway 50 for one mile, north on 473rd Ave. (UC 21) for five miles to Spink, S. D., east on SD 48 for two miles, south on 475th Ave. (UC 25that crosses SD 50) for six miles to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, turn east on 319th Str. for one and a half miles to SD 11, five miles south to Franklin St. in Elk Point and south one-half mile to Heritage Park. (Maps will be provided.)
  • Saturday Morning Mountain Ride Through the summer, every Saturday morning a few of us meet at the highway 12 entrance. We ride up the west side of the park to Lucia, then east on Broken Toe. Usually done by 9AM. All skill levels welcome. Bring your friends and lets ride! Rain= no ride. EL
  • Tuesdays: We bring new life to an old TRDDition. The Tuesday night ride returns as the Tuesday Ride Dine and Discuss (See ride description at the conclusion of this message). Each week we will gather at the Siouxland Surgery Center at 6:00pm for a short relaxing ride to Adam’s Nature Preserve followed by dinner at Graham’s. Those who would like to add miles are encouraged to ride to and from the ride or plan a ride that ends at Graham’s at approximately 7:00pm. Don’t want to ride? Just show up at Graham’s around 7:00pm. At this time, numbers are still small, so meals are a chance to socialize with other riders. As the ride grows, we will start a more formal discussion program with speakers addressing specific topics.
  • Thursday Night Ride This popular ride starts promptly at 6:30 PM every Thursday from the parking lot of the Siouxland Surgery Center at 600 Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, South Dakota. The ride is a 24 mile, mixed paced ride (speeds vary from social pace to fast). The route heads north on Sioux Point Road to McCook Lake, west and north on SD 23, east on SD 6 into Jefferson, south on SD 105 to McCook Lake and back on Sioux Point Road. Each week’s ride will have a designated “tail rider” who will greet cyclists at the start and hand out maps to those who are new to the ride. The “tail rider” will then follow all riders on the route offering their experience and assistance (including minor mechanical) to any cyclist. After the ride, many of the cyclists stop for refreshments and something to eat at Grahams Grill.
*Some riders may choose to leave earlier than 6:30pm to time their arrival at Graham’s Grill with the rest of the group. “Tail rider” will be on-site with maps by 6:15pm each week. * The Siouxland Cyclists, Inc. assumes no responsibility for personal injury, damaged equipment, theft, or loss taking place on any club ride or other activity. Each cyclist is responsible for obeying all traffic regulations and personal safety while riding. All cyclists ride at their own risk and agree to hold the Siouxland Cyclists, its officers, and ride leaders blameless in case of accident or injury. Any cyclists under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. All cyclists are urged to wear helmets when riding. Overnight Rides Several popular overnight club rides include the May overnighter to Crofton, AGONY (Annual Great Overnight to Yankton) the first weekend of June, and the Fall Color Tour which is the last weekend of September. Also, several other campers may take place during the riding season. Details for these special rides and others are found in the monthly newsletter or the ride schedule. Other Club Activities In addition to road biking, mountain biking has become very popular and the club includes activities for mountain bikers and bicycle racers. Club members also work to promote safety for family and beginning cyclists. The club strongly encourages all cyclists to use helmets. Siouxland Cyclists have taken a leadership role in the Ride Right® movement, a national safe cycling movement, which grew out of RAGBRAI®. Several club members give safety demonstrations at elementary schools and work with city officials to promote safe cycling. Additionally, many members have actively promoted recreational trails in Siouxland and look forward to more success in establishing trails in Sioux City. The club also works with officials at Stone State Park to promote safety and non-invasive mountain biking. Membership The strength of the club depends on its members. There is room for new, intermediate and experienced riders and even those who simply wish to promote cycling. If you would like to join us for a season of cycling, call one of our officers or fill out a membership application (PDF) and send it to: Siouxland Cyclists, Inc. P.O. Box 3142 Sioux City, Iowa 51102-3142 Thanks for Glen Houts for sending out all the club's information through and the Facebook group. More Maps, Links and addtional club information found here: Siouxland Cyclists

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