
  • Posted Apr 13, 2009

Too many cyclists have been killed or injured on Iowa's roadways. Please join the cyclist rally on Wed April 15th! Rally Update

Updated Thursday April 16th 10:38 pm 500 cyclists rode yesterday to the State Capitol in opposition to the violent crashes and road rage incidents that have occurred this spring. Rally Video by Jeff C. of Team Skin from KCCI: In Her Own Words... Wife Of Hurt Biker Talks Sally Cooper Smith talks about the crash that sent her husband to a hospital. He was hit by a motorist while riding his bike in Madison County. watch video Rally Photos by Des Moines Register Ken Sherman's collection of information, updates & videos
What is Iowa Lacking? Cyclist Education?
  • Motorist Education?
  • Trooper and Officer Education?
  • Outdated laws? It's time we make a difference. Official Cyclist Rally Announcement - Join us on this Silent Ride and encourage law enforcement officials across the state to fully enforce the current Iowa motor vehicle code and ask that our state legislatures pass Senate file 117, protecting the rights and safety of cyclists. Come together, with a single voice, to encourage city and county attorneys to fully investigate bicycle/motor vehicle accidents and to hold those responsible accountable under the full extent of the law. Please join us on Wednesday April 15 for the bike ride of your life to the Iowa State Capital departing promptly at 5:30 PM from 301 Grand Ave, West Des Moines, IA (starting point) EVENT DETAILS rant Every time a cyclist is injured or killed, we cyclists ban together, send some emails, bitch and talk about it for awhile, make a few waves and then we seem to forget about the seriousness of what happened. Well, it's time to "make it stick" this time. We need to ban together as one voice. We had the recent chance to pass a Bicycle Safety Bill. Based on the emails forums and other social networking platforms I've read, cyclists themselves cannot agree that we need stricter laws surrounding cyclist's safety on the roads. Without ONE voice from cyclist, how are legislators supposed to make the roads safer? It's time WE keep this momentum going. WE formulate a plan. WE make contacts with our legislators, our representatives, our mayors, our council persons. WE make changes. WE educate motorists. WE educate cyclists. WE make cycling safer in Iowa. It's time people.
    (part of a BIKEIOWA Feature from June 14 2007 when Collier and Sergey were hit in similar circumstances.) How big does this LIST need to get before changes are made? WHY ?!? The Iowa Department of Transportation map says we have more than 112,000 miles of highways and streets available for bicyclists to use for both transportation and recreational purposes. "The Iowa State Police have a responsibility to protect all of Iowa's citizens, not just those driving cars." Take a Stand - Make a difference by making other's aware and start by emailing the Iowa State Patrol regarding Bicycle Safety. Please take a few moments and collect your thoughts. Every email helps. In fact, send the same email to your state representative, your city council persons, your mayor, your city police, etc. Make phone calls, visit them in person! Think Big - Statewide Public Service Announcements and Eduction programs, higher penalties, No-Buzz law, crackdowns, etc. Let's change the LAW folks! Example: There is a zero tolerance law for speeding in a construction or school zone. You'll get OWI if you are .09 when the legal limit is .08. Heck - you'll get in more trouble for going 10 mph over the the posted speed limit than you will if you rear-end a cyclist in broad daylight on a county highway. If a cyclist is injured or killed pretty much nothing happens 90%+ of time. Remember: CYCLISTS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE!
    CYCLISTS WHO HAVE BEEN UNJURED OR KILLED (red = killed, blue = injured)
    View Ride of Silence in a larger map note: this is a partial list. Some locations are approximate. If you have actual location knowledge, please email THOSE WE RIDE IN HONOR OF These are cyclists who have been injured or killed on Iowa's roadways, or Iowa cyclists who have been killed cycling elsewhere in the USA. 2009 (last updated 4/28/09)
    • Injured: Erin Schroeder : biking along K-64 near C-60 near Plkymouth, IA. Struck by a full can of beer and maybe a car. She was knocked out for a moment and woke up on the other side of the road. A reward was offered for the culprits. April 27th 2009 info
    • Injured: Doug Smith: near Winterset, where the driver of a truck pulling a trailer passed (in a no passing zone) too closely to a group of cyclists, ran over one cyclist with his trailer and left the scene. Cyclists report the motorist was honking constantly as he passed and returned to the scene 30 minutes later. April 11th 2009 info
    • Injured: Ken Sherman. Ken was crossing an intersection with a green light. Another driver was turning left from the opposite direction and slammed into Sherman, breaking bones and bruising his lung. The police don't dispute that the turning vehicle driver was at fault, but no traffic citation will be filed. March 7th 2009
    • Injured: Kurt Hantleman - unknown location in/around Des Moines. unknown details March 7th 2009
    • Injured: David Elbert - riding on the sidewalk just east of 28th Street and Grand Avenue when an eastbound driver passes and turns directly in front of the bicycle. 8/08
    • Injured: A boy riding his bicycle in the intersection of 4th and Division streets in Davenport was struck by a car at 1:30 p.m. today. The boy was taken to Genesis Medical Center, East Rusholme Street with non-life threatening injuries and is in stable condition, police said. The driver was not ticketed. Police said the boy darted into traffic on his bicycle. 8/9/08.
    • Injured: Unreleased, A man was taken to Mercy Medical Center following a car-bicycle accident that occurred near Third Street and Court Avenue shortly before 2 p.m. in downtown Des Moines 8/12/08.
    • Killed: Unreleased, 83. An 83-year-old man died at a hospital after being struck by a car while he was riding a bicycle Tuesday. Cedar Falls police and paramedics responded to the intersection of Cedar Heights Drive and Orchard Drive at 5:17 p.m. Witnesses told them the victim was riding west across Cedar Heights on his bicycle when he was struck by a southbound vehicle. 8/12/08.
    • Killed: Dean Davis was killed sometime Saturday morning in the 2400 block of Des Moines Street which is just a half-block away from his home. Police said that they believe the homicide was a random act of violence. 7/28/08. info
    • Injured: Gerald Balvanz, 77 of Dubuque was hit by a truck while riding his bicycle in rural Farley. Balvanz, who is hearing impaired, made an abrupt U-turn and collided with a vehicle. He told police that he didn't hear or see the truck approaching. [July 18th 2008] more...
    • Injured: Duff T. Powell, 21, of Fort Madison, was standing with his bicycle at Lee County Road 103 (West Point) at the crest of a hill near the intersection of 165th Street about one mile east of West Point when he was struck by a car traveling westbound. [July 21st 2008] more...
    • Killed: Rick Lind, 49 of Mason City was killed while riding a bike home from the Mason City office where he was working late. [July 12th 2008] more...
    • Injured: Betti Murphy, 47, of Des Moines was riding her bicycle on Merle Hay Road when her bicycle was struck by a van which was pushed into the bicyclist from another accident. Betti was taken to the University of Iowa Hospital with multiple fractures, including a broken pelvis and broken ribs, as well as multiple abrasions. [June 23rd 2008] more...
    • Killed: Benjamin Rodriguez, 5, of Des Moines was hit by a tractor-trailer that was turning onto Scott Avenue from SE 28th St. Police said the incident was accidental and no charged were filed [June 17th 2008]
    • Injured: Devioin Sanders, 6 of Iowa City escaped serious injury when he rode his bike into the side of a city bus Wednesday afternoon. An investigation was completed and no charges will be filed, police said [June 2nd 2008]. info
    • Injured: Lucas Hyduke, 5, Iowa City was riding his bicycle along the sidewalk when struck by a vehicle backing from the driveway. Lucas was taken by ambulance to University Hospitals, where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries. Police charged the driver with failure to yield from a private drive. June 2nd 2008. info
    • Injured: Paul Varum, 43, of Webster City was forced off his bike as a vehicle did a u-turn right in front of him. the vehicle ran over the seat and rear-wheel of Paul's bike and then took off. Paul luckily escaped with only a few scrapes. May 15th 2008.
    • Injured: Shakarian Jenkins, 4, of Des Moines was seriously injured in a truck-bicycle accident in Des Moines near East 16th Street and Dean Avenue on May 26th
    • Killed: Randy Van Zee, 56, of Sheldon, struck from behind on County Road B14 in northwestern Iowa on April 4, 2008.
    • Injured: Teresa Pugh - hit & run on Boonville road near De Soto, May 8th 2008.
    • Injured: unidentified woman on Raccoon River Valley Trail near Waukee in April ? 2008.
    • Killed: Douglas Kenny, 21, of West Burlington, was struck from behind by pickup truck and thrown 114 feet on November 9th 2007.
    • Injured: Richard Robinson, 59, of Des Moines was injured October 23rd 2007.
    • Killed: Tanya Beruman, 13, of Columbus Junction, was killed when she failed to stop at the intersection and ran into the side of a semitrailer on October 18th, 2007.
    • Killed: Marie Degn, 67, of Northwood, was struck by truck on Hwy. 105 east of Lake Mills on September 27th, 2007.
    • Killed: Adam Finley, 30, of Auburn, was killed in Minneapolis, ran into school bus, identified by iPod on September 6th 2007.
    • Injured: Wayne Rathmann, 77, of Mason City, was hit broadside while riding a recumbent on August 26th 2007.
    • Injured: Matthew Siclari, of Ames, was injured ISU Veterinary student stuck from behind by truck trying to beat red light on September 7th 2007.
    • Injured: Howard Campbell, 51, of Des Moines was injured was injured on Sept 6th 2007.
    • Killed: Jerry Allen Person, 45, of Fort Smith, AK was killed in Muscatine, IA from a hit-and-run. driver arrested, on September 4th 2007.
    • Killed: Mark Snopek, of Boone, hit-and-run on August 9th 2007. info
    • Injured: Shauntrez Lamay, 11, of Des Moines, was hit on teh corner of 28th Street and Rollins by a DMPD officer on July 13th 2007.
    • Injured: Steven Allsup, 47, Clinton, was injured on June 21st 2007.
    • Injured: John Nielsen, of Dunlap, was injured on June 25th 2007.
    • Injured: Brad Ashley, 35, Des Moines, was injured on June 19th 2007. He was knocked unconscious, suffered an arm injury and cuts and bruises when he took a spill near East 29th Street and Douglas Avenue. "A police report said Ashley was riding on East 29th Street when he heard a vehicle accelerate behind him and the driver honked the horn.
    • Killed: David Harris, of Atlantic was killed on June 17th, 2007.
    • Injured: David Tolander, 52, Waterloo, was injured on June 13th 2007.
    • Injured: John Schofield, 41, of West Des Moines, was seriously injured while biking northwest of Grimes, on June 12th 2007.
    • Injured: Sergey Motorny, 26, Des Moines, was seriously injured while biking northwest of Grimes, on June 12th 2007.
    • Injured: Robert F. Molsberry Around 6 PM on Saturday, May 31, 1997, Robert was struck from behind by an unidentified driver of a pick up truck on Highway 6, approximately 2 miles west of Grinnell, Iowa. A pastor, husband, father, and triathlete, Robert was left paraplegic following this near-fatal hit-and-run accident.
    • Injured: Brian Potteroff – May 2007 – got hit East of Ankeny – rear ended at stop light - Broken Rim – got lucky.
    • Injured: Amy ? – April 20th 2007 – Hit & run on NW 118th – training for triathlon – was hit with car mirror and knocked to the group. Injuries were only a small fracture in my left pelvis and scapula and she had road burn all the way up her left side and back. Her helmet was pretty well cracked down the back.
    • Killed: Daniel Robert Lewandowski, 57, of Des Moines was killed while riding his bicycle on SE 14th Street in Des Moines Feb 8th 2007.
    • Killed: Tina Marie Brown, 46, of Des Moines – riding on Park Ave in Des Moines Dec 8th 2006.
    • Killed: John Maxwell ,45 - Dallas Center, IA - commuting to work south of Dallas Center - Sept 24, 2006.
    • Injured: Tom Hayes, 63, of Atlantic, was hit as a motorist crossed the white line near Atlantic, IA. in the fall of Sept 2006. Witnesses saw it happen. No charges fileds. Tom has permanent traumatic brain injury.
    • Injured: Collin O'Rourke, 14 – Injured on Polk Boulevard was hit by a minivan. July 5th 2006.
    • Killed: Daniel Young, 45, of Newark, N.Y. a New York man was biking to Colorado and died near Marshalltown, July 1st 2006.
    • Killed: Bill Perrier 51, of Madrid, July 13, 2006.
    • Injured: Steve Baker - On July 3, 2006 he was hit by a truck on the Great Western Trail, Life-Flighted out, almost died but survived and is now back cycling
    • Injured: David Lippold – June 21st 2006 - Road Rage - riding on Polk Boulevard in Des Moines when a driver slammed on the brakes, got out of the car and hit him in the face, then drove off.
    • Killed: Lewis Palmer 16, or WAUKON was riding his bicycle east on County Road A52 when a vehicle driven by a 19 year old who attempted to pass Palmer in a no-passing zone.
    • Killed: Br. Bob Breedlove, 53, June 23rd 2005 - a Des Moines doctor and accomplished endurance cyclist, was killed n southern Colorado during the Race Across America. “Just another day in paradise” (Gretchen is his wife).
    • Killed: Brian Shaver Ankeny, IA September 11, 2005 – early morning training ride – hit by drunk driver
    • Injured: Mark Corley - hit by a dumptruck in May 2005 while riding near Booneville. Shattered hip, skull fracture/concussion Broke finger
    • Killed: Daniel Wisnousky, 37 Ames, IA October 23, 2004 - was run over by a grain wagon pulled by a tractor.
    • Killed: Jean Ann Mohr, 51, of Galva when she was struck by a pickup while riding her bicycle west of Schaller. She was pronounced dead at the scene. September 18th 2004.
    • Killed: Caleb Krile, 14, of Eddyville was killed when the bike they were riding together was hit from behind by a car in Oskaloosa. The boys were then thrown into the path of another car. Troopers say the boys' bicycle did not have lights. September 8th 2004.
    • Killed: Taylor Lewis, 14, of Oskaloosa was killed when the bike they were riding together was hit from behind by a car in Oskaloosa. The boys were then thrown into the path of another car. Troopers say the boys' bicycle did not have lights. September 8th 2004.
    • Killed: David Holmes, 43, of Eldridge , died when he lost control of his bicycle and fell under the wheels of a semi-trailer on a rural Scott County road. July 2004
    • Killed: Kelli Clover, 13, of Des Moines was hit and killed by a semi-trailer Sunday after riding her bike through the intersection of Euclid and Oxford avenues. The crash was ruled an accident and no charges were filed. July 2004.
    • Injured: Graham Johnston, 28, of Des Moines hit by a car in Des Moines and hospitalized with broken jaw, broken nose and major facial lacerations on June 5th 2004.
    • Injured, Pasha Korsakov, 19, hit by minivan which turned right at a red light without stopping in Iowa City. Broken collarbone. June 2004.
    • Killed: Jonathan Schutt, 30, of Ames, was riding southbound on the crossing's pedestrian walkway when he was struck by an eastbound train. He had a hearing problem. December 9th 2002 info
    • Killed: Suzette Carson, 37, of Colfax, was killed by a drunk driver in Colfax on her way home from a convenience store on August 6th 2001. info
    • Killed: Sheri Jacobs, 23 years old. Killed 4/1/99 on 74th st West Des Moines. Hit from behind by a drunk driver.
    Unknowns If anyone has any specifics about these folks, please email with any details. I'd like to give them the repect they deserve on the Ride of Silence.
    • Dan Bockenstedt
    • Dave Cagy
    • George Eastburn
    • Ben Kreig
    • Caleb Lee Krile
    • Chris Lillig
    • Harold Lundgren
    • Sheila McRoberts
    • Jean Ann Mohr
    • Paul Nelson
    • Eric Nerison
    • Matt Putzier
    • George Schoneman

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