
  • Posted Mar 28, 2015

For those who dare... Three gorgeous Colorado mountain passes with over 120 miles and 10,000’ of climbing in a single day. Dare we mention the "Double Triple" ?

If you are an Iowan with a passion for cycling and challenging rides, then the Triple Bypass is probably on your bucket list. The Triple Bypass Bicycle Ride travels between Evergreen and Avon, Colorado with over 120 miles and 10,000’ of climbing in a single day.

Riders go over three mountain passes and experience gorgeous Colorado mountain views and exhilarating descents. Those that want even more of a challenge can do the Double Triple, doing the epic ride on both days of the event for 240 miles and 20,000’ of climbing over the weekend.

About The Triple

In its 27th year, the 2 day event held every second weekend in July travels over 110 miles and 3 mountain passes each day. The Triple has over 5,000 riders and 800 volunteers throughout the course of the weekend. The Saturday ride from Evergreen to the Vail Valley has over 3500 participants and regularly sells out within a few days of registration (January 2nd) every year.

The Double Triple has 1000 participants traveling in both directions, leaving from Evergreen on Saturday and riding to Vail, where they stay the night and ride back to Evergreen the next morning, completing over 220 miles and 20,000’ of climbing. It has become a challenging bucket list event in the Rocky Mountain region.

Riders from all 50 states and numerous countries have participated in the event and the Triple jersey is a coveted source of pride seen on roads and trails throughout the state and nation. Upon finishing, riders are treated to a large BBQ and expo where they greet friends and family. Generally, a rider has at least one person that meets them at the finish with many families and children joining in the finish celebration.

The demographic of the Triple rider is primarily men over 40 years of age riding with friends, family or corporate groups. There are dozens of teams that participate with 4 to 40 members and many companies have employee led teams that have participated for over a decade.

The Triple Bypass and its producer, Team Evergreen Cycling, is a non-profit organization that because of the proceeds of the Triple, has contributed over $1.5 million to charitable causes including the Special Olympics and American Diabetes Association.

Because of the appeal of the Vail area and its associated activities and attractions, the Triple would like to promote the finish of the event as a holiday for our riders and their families. Many riders greet their friends and family at the finish and return to Denver. As a benefit to our riders, we would like to promote the Triple as a weekend holiday, both encouraging the Saturday riders to stay and enjoy the finish as well as increasing the numbers of our Sunday riders with lodging and shuttle packages.


The Triple Bypass has donated over $500,000 to charitable non-profit organizations in the past three years thanks to Triple Bypass riders like you!

July 11th

On Saturday July 11th, 2015, the Triple Bypass ride heads WEST from Evergreen and concludes in Avon over three mountain passes. The ride is 120 miles from Evergreen (Bergen Park) over Juniper Pass (11,140 ft.), Loveland Pass (11,990 ft.), Swan Mountain and Vail Pass (10,560 ft.), concluding in Avon. The ride has over 10,000 ft. of challenging elevation gain!

July 12th

On Sunday July 12th, the 120 mile Triple Bypass route heads EAST, starting in Avon, over Swan Mountain and Vail Pass (10,560 ft.), Loveland Pass (11,990 ft.), and Juniper Pass (11,140 ft.) ending in Evergreen (Bergen Park). It is the same route back and yes, it still has over 10,000 ft. of challenging elevation gain!


July 11-12, 2015
Evergreen and Avon Colorado








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