
  • Posted Oct 12, 2010
After 42 years in the bike business Jack Davis is retiring. Jack's wife is retiring from her job, so he's decided to join her to take a new direction in life. "This 'Store Closing Sale' is our way of thanking you for your business and friendship for the past 42 years while at the same time accomplishing our goals in life. Thank You to all our customers and cyclists we met over the years. We will never forget." ~ Jack Davis Owner Irwin's Bike & Sports 515-270-8304 5500 Merle Hay Rd. Johnston, IA 50131 (just north of the interstate) MAP Irwin’s Bike and Sports has been open for 64 years! It was founded in 1946 by Wilburn Irwin. Jack asked that we invite the followers to come to Irwin's on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 14th through October 20th for a Store Closing Sale to Liquidate Every Single Item of Bicycles, Accessories, Clothing, Hockey Equipment and Accessories and more. This sale includes such brands as Specialized, Schwinn, Redline, Catrike, Rans, Easton, RBK, and CCM. Arrive Early for the best selection. They open on Thursday, October 14th at 10:00 AM SHARP! You will have the First Opportunity to shop and save on our entire inventory before many items are sold out. All of our merchandise, store fixtures, and equipment will be liquidated. A final "Close Date" has not been determined. This is one week before it is publicly announced in the newspaper. [BIKEIOWA Note: I stepped foot into Irwin's for 15+ years ago when they were at their old location and have shopped there ever since. I'm sad to see the store close, but at the same time, I think Jack is making the right decision to Live Life as we all know Life is too short. KUDOS and Congratulations on your retirement Jack!] PAST BIKEIOWA NEWS ON IRWIN'S BIKE & SPORTS

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