

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Dec 06 2003 11:00am - when the bars close


The Rally will be on Ingersoll Ave.
Des Moines, IA


Fat A. and Loulicker


Awesome Turnout!

This year's Rally raised $1800 for the Heart Connection Children's Cancer Programs. We surpassed our goal by $500! A big thanks goes out to everyone who donated their time and money to make this happen. Look for next year to be even better!!

Here's the list of all who sponsored the event (in no particular order):

Designed Images
Cumming Tap
Mid Air & Ink -- Shirt design
"Draine" -- Live music
Darwin Design
"Fat Andy" -- Live Music
Westbrooke Family Dentistry
Rasmussen's Bike Shop
4 Seasons Fund Raising
Capital City Fruit
Schamel Construction
Des Moines Truck Brokers
Scott's Holiday Foods
Allied Insurance
Carl's Place
Voss Distributing
Zimm's Food & Spirits
In Memory of Florine Crabb
Booge Commodities
Team Haze
The Yacht Club
Chuck & Dales
"Boner" from "The Nadas" -- Live music

Also, check out Team Haze's Pics here:


Charity Ride

Distance - 1 mile or less

The Big Wheel Rally is an opportunity for friends to get together and show off their creative talent(s), and help a great cause! Last years Rally benefited "The Heart Connection Childen's Cancer Programs." This year we will be supporting the same cause.

Last years Rally raised $1250 sending 5 kids to their annual camp! Our goal is to match this mark and send 5 more deserving kids to camp!

Here is a list of last years sponsors, in no particular order:

Darwin Design, Allied Insurance, Blindsight(live entertainment), SM Hirsch, Team Haze, B-Clean Carpet Cleaning, Ziegler Caterpillar, Bikeiowa, Friends Uniting Cancer Kids, Rassmussen's Bike Shop, Hildreth Construction, 4-Seasons Fund Raising, Schamel Carpentry, Inc., Des Moines Truck Brokers, Capital City Fruit, Designed Images, Cumming Tap, Mid Air & Ink (front of shirt design), Zimm's, and The Yacht Club. Thanks for your support and see you at the Rally!


Ingersoll Ave. Des Moines, IA

1. Zimm's LIVE music from Fat Andy starting @ noon!
2. GT's
3. Yacht Club
4. Carl's Place LIVE music from Draine starting @ 7:00pm!


The Rally will be on Ingersoll Ave.

Zimm's on Ingersoll Ave.
Des Moines, IA 



No registration required. Just show up!

If you would like to be a sponsor conatact Austin or Randy. It is an inexpensive way to do some advertising and support a great cause! $100 gets your logo on this years BWR shirt and you get one to show off to all your friends!


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