
  • Sun May 16 2021
  • Posted May 16, 2021
Walking and biking trails don't really get much use after dark. But, that may no longer be the case for a new "glowing" trail in eastern Iowa.

According to KCCI, Baker Enterprises just installed a glow-in-the-dark trail in Vinton. It's to be named after Vinton City Council Member Nathan Hesson. Hesson passed away in January and "championed" the glowing trail project. Plus, part of the trail goes by his home so it's a nice tribute.

Vinton Newspapers reports that the idea came about as part of an initiative to make "Vinton a more mobile, accessible community for residents and visitors" and to connect all three of the area's school buildings. After some research, Matt Boggess, Director of Vinton Parks and Rec came up with the idea to have a "trail decorated with a stone material that glowed after 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight." The special stone is produced by the Canadian company Ambient Glow Technology. Apparently just 15 minutes of sun exposure will create 15 hours of light for 20 years. Wow.

Another cool fact is that this glowing trail is the longest glow-in-the-dark trail in the entire United States, according to KCCI


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