
  • Diana Nollen
  • Mon September 21 2020
  • Posted Sep 30, 2020

A new classroom is on the grow at Clear Creek Amana Middle School in Tiffin, thanks to student, faculty and community partnerships. And now it’s moving closer to completion, fueled by a $13,583 Wellmark Foundation Matching Assets to Community Health (MATCH) grant to help finance an outdoor learning center this school year, projected to cost around $35,000.

It’s one of 28 projects in Iowa receiving funds in varying amounts, contingent upon receiving a 50 percent match by Nov. 6, through a combination of in-kind donations or services and cash.

All of the projects are designed to encourage physical activity or access to nutritious foods — ranging from the Smokestack vehicle-free bridge in Cedar Rapids to an inclusive playground update in Durant and trail paving and enhancements in Washington County.


ConnectCR, Inc.: $25,000

ConnectCR will revitalize the urban Cedar Lake and build a pedestrian/trail bridge over the Cedar River near the NewBo and Czech Village neighborhoods. The Smokestack Bridge will provide vehicle-free passage across the Cedar River. This bridge also enhances the city’s connection to two national trails: The American Discovery Trail and the Great American Rail-Trail. It also improves the Cedar Valley Nature Trail, which runs from Waterloo to Cedar Lake, through downtown Cedar Rapids, and eventually on to Muscatine.

Coralville: $25,000 for Trailhead Plaza at Creekside Park, Coralville

The Trailhead Plaza at Creekside will be a destination for riders of the existing paved trail network and will serve as the starting point for the adjacent natural surface trail systems. This plaza will include a shelter, informational signage, bike parking, drinking fountain and sitting areas.

Washington County: $25,000 for Kewash Trail Paving and Enhancements — Phase II, Washington

This project will involve the grading and paving of about 7,400 feet of existing Kewash Nature Trail. Phase II will extend west to the Crooked Creek Pedestrian Bridge, a scenic location in Washington County.





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