
  • Mon June 24 2019
  • Posted Jul 5, 2019

Ever since Goosey's Bar and Grill opened in McIntire in April, people have told owners Dan and Patti Shane how grateful they are.

Despite the town's small size, "there's always been a place where you can get a burger and a beer or a pop," Dan said.

The Pit Stop closed in 2015 and the only other bar and grill in town, the Red Man Inn, announced it would be closing as well.

Goosey's gets a lot of bicycle traffic because it is so close to the Wapsi-Great Western Line trail. Patti said it's a great place for cyclists to stop when they want something to eat.

Customers love Goosey's burgers and tenderloins, and its appetizers are also popular, according to Patti.




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