
  • Mon January 14 2019
  • Posted Jan 14, 2019

Thank you for your support of the ride over the past 4 years! It has been an awesome adventure getting to be a part of the Iowa cycling scene. The cycling community in Iowa is world class fun! We have worked hard to bring a top notch music festival inspired camping ride to the cornfed state. Connecting with great trail supporters and town folks along the Raccoon River Valley Trail, the Wabash Trace Trail and the Chichaqua Valley Trail (CVT).

Unfortunately, the ride hasn’t been able to grow with riders numbers to support the large financial and time commitments necessary to pull off an event of this nature. With new event inspirations on the horizon and limited funding and time available we are going to put this event on the shelf for the unforeseeable future. We know that this may come as a disappointment for many riders and members of the CVT communities.

We encourage central Iowa riders to continue to frequent the CVT trail and support the businesses along the trail and any upcoming events that they may host. Your Missouri friends welcome Iowa riders to their longtime Pedaler’s Jamboree Missouri party ride tradition on Memorial Day Weekend. We look to sharing some good time rides with all of you in the future! Stay tuned for updates on new rides and festivals in the future.

Ride on!

- The Pedaler's Jamboree Crew




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