
(Shenandoah) -- It won't be as big as RAGBRAI. But, Shenandoah authorities will still have their hands full this weekend with another bicycling-related event.

Police Chief Kris Grebert is asking motorists to watch out for bicyclists in the community during the Pedaler's Jamboree Saturday and Sunday. Grebert tells KMA News reinforcements will assist the city's regular officers with jamboree-related patrols.

"We've got some reserve officers coming out to handle some of the extra patrolling needs for the community," said Grebert.

The chief says having all activities taking place in Sportsman's Park presents less of a logistical nightmare in terms of law enforcement coverage.

"That's going to be make it a lot easier," he said. "With everybody in one area, we won't have any street closures to worry about. We won't be having any intersections to guard, or direct traffic. So, having it in one area will be great for us."

Other big events await Shenandoah in September--including the Wabash Marathon September 10th and Shenfest September 24th. Grebert says handling RAGBRAI gave his department valuable experience in tackling major activities in the community.

"Our department is going to be pretty busy watching the people as they come into town," said Grebert. "But I think the experience of RAGBRAI, with having all those people in one area at one time, is a big boost for our department."

Kris Grebert was a guest during KMA's 7:35 news segment Friday morning.





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