
  • Doris Welle
  • Wed June 22 2016
  • Posted Jun 22, 2016
Hundreds of riders hope for blue skies and a gentle breeze as they participate in the 32nd Annual University of Okoboji Cycling Classic Campus Bike Ride.

The popular event is slated for Saturday, June 25. Director of the bike ride is Jim Carpenter of the Milford Fire and Rescue Department.

"The pre-registrations are coming in really good this year," Carpenter said. "We expect a huge turnout on Saturday."

The leisurely bicycle ride around West Lake Okoboji, was started by the late Don Eckard and Norm Van Donslear of Milford. The Cycling Classic now involves riders from all over the United States. As many as 2,000 or more men, women and children spend hours enjoying the sights and sounds of the Iowa Great Lakes Region.

Riders have three route choices: 25, 50 or 100 miles.

The short trek takes riders from Florence Park in Milford around West Lake Okoboji and back to Milford. Fifty miles entails West and East Lake Okoboji while 100 miles takes a rider around West Lake, up around Big Spirit Lake (twice) to the Minnesota border and back down East Lake to Milford.

Those riders who did not pre-register online can begin registering on Friday night at Florence Park from 7-9 p.m. Registration continues Saturday morning from 7-9 a.m. where the local Boy Scouts will be serving their well-known pancake breakfast at the same time.






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