
Blessing of the Bikes at 11 a.m.

A Bicycle Safety Event for residents of Palo Alto County will be held this Saturday, April 23, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Palo Alto County Fairgrounds in Emmetsburg.

"This bike safety event is for bicyclers of all ages and includes all of Palo Alto County," said Angie Strohman, director of adult programs at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

"We are inviting everyone to bring their bikes and have them checked," said Strohman. "The event will be held rain or shine."

Bicyclers are invited to attend sessions on:

- The ABCs of Bikes

- Road Safety

- Basic First Aide

- Helmets

Those attending the event will be given cards that can be stamped at each session. By attending all four sessions and getting cards stamped, the bicycle owner is eligible to win door prizes. Prizes being given away this Saturday include bike helmets, tire spokes and grand prizes of two bicycles.

At the conclusion of the morning, the Rev. Louie Gallo, pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Emmetsburg, will bless all of the bicycles. This will take place at 11 a.m.

The Bike Safety Event is being co-sponsored by ISU?Extension and Outreach and the Palo Alto County Wellness Coalition.

Anyone with questions about the event can contact Angie Strohman at the ISU?Extension and Outreach Office in Emmetsburg at 712-852-2865.






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