
  • Sun March 20 2011
  • Posted Mar 21, 2011
Templeton Rye Read up on the latest Templeton Rye news, including details about this year's Rock & Rye festival in conjunction with RAGBRAI. Facebook Twitter To celebrate RAGBRAI coming through Templeton, we are offering our Templeton Rye bike jerseys at cost. You can order anytime during the next three weeks and your jersey should arrive around the end of May. Cheers! BUY ONE JERSEY PHOTOS

Rock & Rye and Ragbrai - Monday, July 25, 2011

Dear friends, We are very excited to announce that we will be holding this year's Rock and Rye festival in conjunction with RAGBRAI coming through town on Monday, July 25. If you are not from Iowa or do not know what RAGBRAI is, the simple explanation is that it is one of the coolest events ever. The more detailed explanation is that 10,000+ bike riders dip their tires in the Missouri River, then spend a week riding and partying across Iowa and then dip their tires in the Mississippi River. Rock & Rye will be a bit different this year as it will begin when the first riders come through Templeton on Monday morning and will end sometime that afternoon. We will be giving tours and samples as always, and Keith has been charged with lining up a slip n' slide and a swimming pool. Of course, we will also have food, refreshments and music for our guests. We have some details to work out, but trust us, it will be well worth a stop. An additional item of interest is that we are offering our Templeton Rye bike jerseys at cost (see below) and encourage riders to wear them when they roll into Templeton that day. We will be taking free team pictures in front of the distillery and a group shot of everyone wearing their Templeton jersey at around 1:00 pm. Please see below for details on ordering a jersey. All the best from your friends in Templeton and we will see you July 25th! Cheers, Scott Bush, President, Templeton Rye

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