
  • Sun December 09 2007
  • Posted Dec 9, 2007
By CHARLEY TOWNSLEY, CENTRAL IOWA PRESS TOLEDO — Mark McFate, representing the South Tama Recreation Trail committee presented the low bid for Phase III construction to the Toledo City Council at their regular meeting Nov. 26. The extension of the trail will run from First Street north under U.S. Highway 30 at Deer Creek and end near the new Ross Street bridge and the Toledo City Park trail. The Recreation Trail committee has received a grant in the amount of $82,000 toward the construction of the extension. The grant requires a 20 percent match. To date, the City of Toledo has been able to contribute their share of the match through in-kind contributions. The committee is short $7,452 of being able to contract for the bid. The total cost estimate for Phase III is $114,452 with $25,000 of that committed in-kind by the city. The grant for this phase of the project is for $82,000, leaving a shortfall of $7,452. McFate told the council the committee was willing to continue fundraising for this phase, but it was important to be able to accept the bid now, while the offer is valid. He felt any delays or postponements would result in higher bids in the future. Council members voted to allow the committee to accept the bid with the idea of the committee continuing to raise funds for the project.

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