
A safety patrol will monitor the Le Mars Recreational Trail to ensure people who use it are safe, and vandalism is reduced.

Police Chief Kevin Vande Vegte said volunteers will keep an eye on the trail. People who are interested in signing up are urged to apply.

“We haven’t had any serious issues on our trail system, besides we’ve had some vandalism and stuff,” Vande Vegte said. “I just think it’s the right thing to do. Other communities have had some pretty horrific things happen on their trails. I just want us to be a little more visible.”

In addition to keeping an eye out for trouble and providing a sense of security for people who are riding bikes, running or walking on the trail, the volunteers can spot problems and report maintenance items, he said.


If you are interested in joining or helping out on this newly created community service project, please contact the Le Mars Police Department in person at 205 Fifth Avenue Northwest, by calling 712-546-4113, or at






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