
  • Posted May 3, 2006

Iowa Off Road Cycling Association (IORCA)

BIKEIOWA is proud to present the fifth profile for 2006. Each profile will consist of same fifteen base questions and answers with a gallery of pictures. This month's profile features the Iowa Off Road Cycling Association (IORCA). Mountain bike racing has been a growing sport in Iowa for quite some time. IORCA a nd the race coordinators makes the races happen!
  1. Home Turf

    The Des Moines area
  2. The Scoop

    IORCA is the governing body that handles off road racing in Iowa. IORCA over sees the Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Series (IMBCS), The 24 Hour State Champs of Seven Oaks, and other off road events.
  3. Who's Who

    The board members are Thad Neil (Chairman), Troy Tellinghuisen (Vice Chair), Cam Kirkpatrick (IMBCS President), Kyle Sedore (IMBCS VP), Ron DeGeest (Teasurer), Taylor Webb (Trustee).
  4. Recent News

    The IMBCS has signed Kia Of Des Moines as a title sponsor for 2006.
  5. Did You Know?

    500 different cyclists competed in the IMBCS last year.
  6. Our History

    The idea for the Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Series was created by a bunch of off road cyclists who met one winter evening in a hotel banquet room in Ames 4 years ago. A lot of concerns were voiced about mountain biking in Iowa and ultimately the solution was to start a series. Since then the series has grown and the Iowa Off Road Cycling Association was created to govern the series and other new events that have come along since then like the 24 Hour Championships at Seven Oaks.
  7. Mission Statement

    IORCA is dedicated to providing top quality grass roots competitive events and venues for off road cyclists in Iowa to compete in. Our intention is to grow Mountain Biking in the state at all ability levels and create a friendly environment for all off road cyclists.
  8. What's Hot?

    The IMBCS
  9. What's Not?

    All terrain vehicles and the like that have a tendency to destroy our trails and give cyclists a bad name. Those who do not give off road cycling a chance.
  10. Favorite Iowa Event?

    The 24 Hour State Championships at Seven Oaks. This event has exploded in popularity in the three years it's been in existence. It's like a weekend social gathering for off road cyclists in Iowa with camping, socializing, racing, and other exciting activities. Even if you’re not racing to win, it's still a fantastic event to attend and share the experience with everyone else. If you haven't seen or competed in this event, you really should check it out.
  11. Favorite Quote

  12. What's Next?

    2007 the IMBCS will be a NORBA Series with all of the events being NORBA sanctioned. This will allow competitors to qualify for Nationals through the series.
  13. Sponsors

  14. Accepting new members?

  15. Dues/Benefits

  16. Contact Information

    • Thaddeus Neil - Chairman - IORCA -
    • Troy Tellinghuisen - Vice Chair - IORCA -
    • Cam Kirkpatrick - President - IMBCS -
    • Kyle Sedore - Vice President - IMBCS -
  17. Website

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