
  • Posted Oct 14, 2003

who's Brad? - how'd he get his name? surprise...

Brad, the enigmatic guy in the HeadShok logo, got his name shortly after he made his HeadShok logo debut. At the time, Pulp Fiction had just hit the theaters. One of our favorite lines from the movie -- a line we gleefully repeated every time someone in the office pulled a bone-headed move -- was "Check out the big brain on Brad!" (In the movie, Samuel Jackson's character bellows those scornful words to one of the pasty white college kids who get blown away early in the film.) It didn't take long for us to link "the big brain" line with the big head in the logo, and thus Brad was christened. It wasn't until after Pulp Fiction's home video release months later that we realized the line was actually "Check out the big brain on Brett." By that time, though, we'd come to know and love our friend in the logo as Brad, and we couldn't bear to change his name. Plus more... A brief History of Cannondale

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