

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat May 04 2024 10:30 AM - 10:00 PM


Triangle Tap/Blazing Saddle (and all around East Village - says Bernie and Tom J). Bridge over the DSM river is always a good stop too.
Des Moines, IA




Party Ride

Distance - 20 miles

Its on!  We have earned and deserve this!

The spring Mayors ride has been scheduled and so is the Fun Haters.  So please support the Mayor's ride and then join your super cool friends and ass hole enemies to kick off the biking season with a few (too many) beers at bike friendly bars.  Wear helmets and bring lights.  Tip your bartenders.  

Ride from home if you can and if you drive a vehicle, have a dd.  You will need it or you are a fun hater for sure.


Familiar route.  Kick this off at the TRIANGLE TAP for the first bar stop.  10:00 ish am should be a nice time to start to invade this laid back establishment. Parking in back and nice front patio.  Always music and food here.  Close to Taco Casa too.  This is a very bike friendly bar with supportive ownership and a ton of outdoor space.  Close to the trails.  Located at essentially MLK and Euclid (behind the strip mall with HyVee in it).  Jesus, just google Triangle Tap and follow your phone map.

Approximately 1:00- its off to the East Village via trail and the interurban bridge (and Captain Roys with its outside bar access and large patio makes sense).  Once you get to the East Village its the always over the top BLAZING SADDLE.  Goal is on or before 2:30.   You never need to ask for a double! This East Village location is very near all kinds of new venues.  Get over here and check them all out. 

Be respectful of others on the trail (even it they are Karens). If stopping on the interurban bridge to enjoy the view, please do not impede others ability to cross the bridge too much.  Its all good and we are all friends here.

Smile!  Laugh!  Be Safe! 


Triangle Tap/Blazing Saddle (and all around East Village - says Bernie and Tom J). Bridge over the DSM river is always a good stop too.

2506 Post Street/416 E 5th Street
Des Moines, IA 



NONE!  Its America land of the FREE.  Tip your bartenders.  They work their asses off!


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