
  • Tue November 13 2018
  • Posted Nov 13, 2018
We got a little time this past weekend to make some site enhancements.

Past Events

The only way to view past events was from the Events Calendar. Now you can view Past Events fir on the individual City, Trail and Portal pages. Showing past events is valid content that belongs on these detail pages. It shows the activities and events that each city and trail has. See some examples here: High Trestle Trail, Ankeny and the Recreation portal.

Ride Editors

Have you been in a position when someone else added an event on BIKEIOWA and now you are in charge and cannot edit or clone the event? We took care of this by adding Ride Editors. If you fall into this dilemma, email us at with your login name and the event and we'll make sure you are added as an editor once we ensure you should be an editor. This functionality also works if BIKEIOWA adds an event to get it on the calendar and then the real owner wants to take over.

Event Search

By Default, the Search just searches all future events. So if you want to search for last week's events, you have to add a data range. Now, if you search for a keyword and we don't find any results for future events, we will notify you and return past events. This should save some clicks and confusion.

Bike Shops

We added "nearby trails" and "sponsoring since verbiage to each of our sponsoring shops.

Admin Dashboard

We added a few more Dashboard menu items to help you to contribute easier. Also got the "view profile" link to work

Mobile Devices

We streamlined some places where the counts, added by and added date show on mobile devices.

More Changes

We'll continue to make site updates throughout the Winter.
If there is new functionality or existing functionality you think should work differently, let us know!

deploy date: Nov 13 2018 V3.114







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