
  • Roger Riley
  • Tue December 13 2016
  • Posted Dec 13, 2016
The Great Western Trail running from Des Moines to Martensdale for 16.5 miles may be seeing some change.

The West Des Moines City government needs to extend Veterans Parkway to the south and west to provide access to Microsoft for it’s 3rd data center in the area. Initial road proposals called for moving a scenic portion of the Great Western Trail.

“With the Microsoft new data center that's going to go in West Des Moines on the Madison Warren County line, the city needs to build veterans Parkway is a part of the project ,” said West Des Moines Mayor Steve Gaer.

The Mayor said the roadway is needed to connect all three data centers Microsoft is building in the area.

“The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation is concerned because we helped create the Great Western Trail,” said Lisa Hein of the Foundation. “It’s now owned and stewarded by both Polk and Warren County conservation Boards.”

Those who enjoy the trail are concerned about a possible loss of a couple of miles of scenic tree canopy over the trail, if it is relocated.

“Previous studies had at the veterans Parkway near the trail but not on the trail,” said Hein. “The discussion before us really is not about stopping the road, but how will the road minimize the impacts to the Great Western Trail







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This link is to a pdf of the Great Western Trail/Veterans Parkway presentation given at the December 14, 2016 meeting of the Warren County Conservation Board:

#1 - WarrenCCB posted Dec 15, 2016

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