
  • Tue January 13 2015
  • Posted Jan 13, 2015
Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) approved $1 million in total funding for five statewide Transportation Alternatives program projects.

The projects and approved funding amounts are listed below.
  • Iowa’s Living Roadway Projects Program (Trees Forever) - $200,000

  • Iowa Safe Routes to School Partnership (Iowa Northland Regional Transportation Authority and Iowa Bicycle Coalition) - $157,893

  • Lewis & Clark Multiuse Trail Implementation Phase 1 (Iowa Department of Transportation) - $230,607

  • Native Grass and Wildflower Seed for County Road Rights of Way (University of Northern Iowa and UNI Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management) - $336,500

  • Urban Youth Corps (Iowa Department of Transportation) - $75,000

The Transportation Alternatives program was authorized by the most recent federal transportation funding act, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), and replaces the former Transportation Enhancements program.

This program supports projects such as trails, Safe Routes to School, overlooks, and the preservation or rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities. The majority of Transportation Alternatives program funding is distributed to Iowa’s metropolitan planning organizations and regional planning affiliations for the selection of local projects.

The Commission awards up to $1 million annually toward Transportation Alternatives projects that are statewide in nature. Funding is available to cities, counties, school districts, or other eligible organizations through an annual application-based program.




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