
  • Posted Dec 20, 2012

All Ability Cycles in Jefferson provides cycling products to individuals with special needs.

There is a special Bike Shop in Jefferson Iowa who offers some unique bicycle brands as well as bicycles for special needs. Here a bit about the shop and the owners.

When you are near Jefferson, stop in and check them out...

Life is good in Greene County

Riding a bike or trike results in such a wide range of benefits for the rider and their community. We’re big on “community”. Your friends, your neighbors, the other people in town, in your county, in your state and in your country are all communities in which you should be participating. Ride a bike or trike and you’ll get to know those other people better than if you are in a motor vehicle. You will see more. You will have more conversations. You will be more involved.

All Ability Cycles is not a “regular” bike shop. Yes, we do repairs on all kinds of bikes and trikes, but we sell cycling products for individuals with special needs and individuals using cycling for transportation. Want a trike that you crank by hand, yes we have it. Want a cargo trike or bike to transport children, yes we have several. Interested in the premier folding bike from Brompton, yes again we have them to test ride and lots on order. Do you have someone that you want to get involved in cycling that has a special need, we want to help.

Life is good in Greene County, Iowa. We would also like for you to experience our community. Sooooooo plan to come visit us. We will be happy to see you.


All Ability Cycles
101 North Chestnut St.
Jefferson, Iowa 50129 MAP


Phone (515) 386-8900


Thursday 12 PM to 8 PM
Friday and Saturday 12 PM to 6 PM
Sunday 12 PM to 5 PM
Tuesday and Wednesday By Appointment

About the Owners

After almost thirty years of being away, Ces and John Brunow returned to Iowa. Ces had retired from the Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center in Washington, DC. John had sold his bike store, bikes@vienna in Vienna, VA. They returned to Ces' hometown of Jefferson with a plan to open a new cycling business called All Ability Cycles near the Raccoon River Valley Trail. All Ability Cycles? The store provides cycling products to individuals with special needs and people interested in using bikes and trikes for transportation.

All Ability Cycles provides repairs, parts, and accessories in support of riders using the RRVT. The bikes and trikes offered for sale are speciality products such as Draisin from Germany, Top End Handcycles, Brompton folding bikes from England and cargo bikes from Christiania, Royal Dutch Gazelle, and Nihola. All Ability Cycles has no mountain bikes, no road bikes, and no typical children's bikes. Central Iowa has many good bike stores providing those items. All Ability Cycles provides what those fine stores do not provide.





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