

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 09 2018 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Garner Golf & Country Club Lower Parking Lot
Garner, IA


Halfway to Heaven



Distance - 3, 10, or 30 Miles

The Bike Ride and Golf Outing is in memory of Bernie Urich, an avid bicyclist and musician who died in a work-related accident. Proceeds from the ride will provide annual scholarships for college bound students.

Bernie loved a good-hearted tease. On June 9, 2008, he was working at a high elevation at his job in Garner. In one last act of good-natured ribbing, he called an office secretary and asked, "Guess where I'm at?" She couldn't guess what he was up to that time. "I'm halfway to heaven!" he proclaimed with his typical enthusiasm. This 'Halfway to Heaven' adage has become a source of unity and strength, for family and friends.

47 Scholarship Recipients have received more than $29,700 in scholarship awards to date & 45 grants were given to HS students wishing to further their music education totaling $10,275.

Join us, Saturday June 9th - for the 10th Annual Halfway to Heaven Scholarship Ride & Golf Outing as we raise money to award scholarships to deserving students. Seven more scholarships were given this year!


Bike Ride - Three routes will be offered so all riders can participate at a level that is comfortable for them. Supports provided.

Not up for a challenge? Then maybe The Wimps Ride is for you. This 3-mile route is for the tenderfoot.

For the casual biker and families with younger children, The Family Ride, a 10 mile route on the outskirts of Garner will offer a relaxed comfortable pace.

If you're looking for a bit more of a challenge, then you might consider The Lake Lap. This 30-mile route will take you around scenic Clear Lake.

Participants ride at their own pace with support provided along routes. This is not a race, Riders are encouraged to ride safely and wear a helmet.

All routes start and end at:
Garner Golf & Country Club
Lower Parking Lot
205 Country Club Drive
Garner, IA

Route maps available at registration.


Garner Golf & Country Club Lower Parking Lot

205 Country Club Drive
Garner, IA 50438


Registration fees are $25 for adults;
$10 for students K-12
(Not to exceed $50 per family)


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