
  • Sam Jefson
  • Thu April 17 2014
  • Posted Apr 17, 2014

Local RAGBRAI organizers selected the phrase "RV There Yet?" as the theme for the July 22 overnight stay in Forest City.

The theme gives a nod to Winnebago Industries and the area's Norwegian heritage. The Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa will stop in Forest City for afourth time in the ride's history.

Forest City mayor Rick Skjeie proposed the theme idea to the local publicity committee and members ran with it.

The theme will be accompanied by a red and blue logo featuring a bicyclist, wind turbines, trees, a viking and a Winnebago motor home.

A graphic design artist from Winnebago Industries, Inc. designed the logo.

Publicity chairman Tony Reynolds said the process of creating a theme and logo took a month.

"We wanted to have a well thought out theme," he said.

Grow Forest City director Norma Hertzer likes how the theme and logo gives visitors a clear picture of what the city is all about.

"We want visitors to remember Forest City in a positive way," she said. "The logo has such a strong connection to Forest City."

T-shirts featuring the logo and theme will be available to purchase on the Forest City RAGBRAI website at

More than 10,000 bicyclists will see the theme and logo when they stay in Forest City during night three of RAGBRAI. They will also be greeted with a lot of crafty Norwegian sayings, colors and outfits.

"We will be handing out paper horns riders can tape on their bicycle helmets," Reynolds said. "We are going for a world record for the most bicyclists wearing viking horns on their helmets."






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