

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat May 06 2023 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Icons Martini
Rock Island, IL


Tour de Brew email user


Party Ride

Distance - Unknown

Tour de Brew QC 2023 - Tour de Brew QC is a 40 ish mile charity bike ride along the Mississippi Trails in the Quad Cities. About this Event Saturday, May 6, 2023 marks our 10th Year Anniversary. The crew is excited to see you to the 2023 event. Never ridden before , What are you waiting for?

Tour de Brew QC 2023 Round
Tour de Brew QC is a 40 ish mile charity bike ride along the Mississippi Trails in the Quad Cities.

About this Event

Saturday, May 6, 2023 marks our 10th Year Anniversary. The crew is excited to see you to the 2023 event. Never ridden before , What are you waiting for?

Our Mission is to help raise awareness and funds for Cancer Not for profits! Now all we need is YOU to make 2022 the BIGGEST YEAR YET!!!

Get Registered today!

As we release details check our Facebook page! (

Icons will open their doors Saturday, May 6th @ 9:00 AM. Official riding will start at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 6. Icons will be selling their famous Bloody Marys and an assortment of other beverages. The PBJ buffet will back by popular demand.

As always, we are looking for sponsors! If you would like to become a sponsor, we have multiple sponsorship levels see here -


How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Our email:

Where are we starting this year?

Official start end location is

Icons Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island, IL 61201

You can start at any of our participating locations but they may not be open as early as Icons so pay attention to ride details.

What Time Does the Ride Start?

Icons will open at 9:00 AM. riding begins at 10:00 AM. Please check in on Facebook as we keep you in the loop of each Sponsor stop details and specials.

Cost ?

A ride ticket is $45.00 Your ride covers insurance, expenses to host a ride, a bit of SWAG and most of all a generous donation to our charity partners to help keep their cancer programs viable.

Will Masks be Required?

Remember individual businesses may have their own policies and the expectation is that all Tour De Brew QC participants will follow them.

Is there a Silent Auction?

We will no longer hosts a silent auction in 2022.

Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

Most venues are open to all ages. If you plan to order an alcoholic drink you will need an ID.

What is my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?

There are parking lots and non-metered street parking options surrounding Icons in Rock Island and of course if you are local you can always just ride your bike from home…extra miles are good miles!

What can I bring into the event?

Anything you would need to be outside on a bike ride. Helmet, Lights, Money, Water, Sunscreen, Bug Spray, dress in layers

What's the refund policy?

There is no refunds as this is a charity event that is held Rain, or Shine. We also reserve the right to modify the route for participant safety.

Check in

Official Check in will be at Icon's Martini Bar

Friday, May 5th from 4:00 PM -7:00 PM and we will resume check in on Saturday Morning, May 5 from 9:00 AM -11:00 AM.

PB& J are only available at Icons Saturday starting at 9:30 AM. until they are gone or 11:00 AM whichever comes first.

Icons Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island, IL 61201

Can I update my registration information?

Yes, you will need to log into your Eventbrite account to do this.

Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?


Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?


2022 Participating Stops

Icons Martini Bar 124 18th St, Rock Island, IL 61201

Currently working on this, but we know you'll have fun!!

Please follow Tour de Brew QC on Facebook and once you are registered watch for our e-mail updates. We will keep you posted of each stops festivities planned for April 30,2022.

We have Jersey's for Sale $75 each

E-mail us to order and we will arrange delivery prior to TDBQ and payment options.

or add a jersey to your cart at checkout.



Icons Martini

124 18th St.
Rock Island, IL 61201


A ride ticket is $45.00 Your ride covers insurance, expenses to host a ride, a bit of SWAG and most of all a generous donation to our charity partners to help keep their cancer programs viable.


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